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Below is a list of several of the quality services we offer. We keep up-to-date on the latest in dental research, techniques, and technology. Click on the sign to view more information about any of the services. If you would like more information about any service we provide, feel free to contact us by phone at 301-652-5881 or contact us using our online form.

Bite Guard Appliances
Occasionally for various reasons a special appliance is needed to protect teeth against chipping, cracks or fractures. A bite guard is created for these special cases. It is a comfortable device made of clear acrylic. Usually patients who grind their teeth at night receive this type of treatment. Specific attention is given to the way the patients teeth bite together. Then a custom fit bite guard is created in the laboratory to meet the patients specific needs. It is then worn usually only at nighttime when the patient sleeps protecting the teeth from premature breaks.

When a patient has a missing tooth, a dental bridge is used to fill the gap. A false tooth is secured to neighboring teeth that are crowned.

Cosmetic Dentistry
Our patients often tell us what they would like to improve regarding their smile. We offer options and even show before and after photos of previous examples to help the patient decide. It may be that some chipped teeth need to be restored to their normal condition. Sometimes patient simply want to whiten their teeth. Most patients just want their dark silver amalgam fillings replaced with tooth colored filling material. All the options are available to choose from in our office.

A crown is a tooth shaped covering for a tooth that has been decayed,broken or compromised after a root canal.

Custom Fit Sports Guards
There are many reasons to use guards to protect patients teeth. The most common is for athletics. Many of our patients participate in sports. These activities may require protection of the athlete's teeth during the competition. We take dental impressions and make custom fit sport guards that meet and exceed the requirement for protective equipment.

Deep Cleaning to Treat Gum Disease
Occasionally a patient who hasn't received routine dental care may present with gum disease. This problem (known as periodontal disease) infects the teeth and gums and may even cause the teeth to be loose. Patients may have bad breath and bleeding gums as well. The gum disease will be carefully examined and diagnosed and charted during the dental exam phase. A deep cleaning below the gum line may be required to arrest the periodontal gum disease. It is a simple and painless process that can be thought of as a very through and longer than normal teeth cleaning. It is a painless treatment as it is always performed with topical and local anesthetic and laughing gas if requested.

Dental Exam
A through, comprehensive exam is performed for each patient to guard against oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth decay. A visual exam and instrument charting and X-rays are used to aid the patients diagnosis. Time is always given so the patient can ask questions and discuss concerns. The results are always explained to the patient. Explanations of what needs to be done and why it has to be done are also reviewed.

Dentures are a set of replacement teeth for any teeth that are missing

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement

Clear, custom-fabricated aligners designed to gradually and sequentially move teeth to their desired positions

Full Mouth Reconstruction
For those who require restorative care & exhibit loss of tooth structure.

Jaw Joint Pain Management
Patients for a variety of reasons may experience pain in their jaw joint. Specific dental history, careful exam, and sometime dental films are taken of the jaws to diagnosis the defect. Trauma, inflammation, arthritis, cartilage perforation or displacement and even a bad bite are just some of the causes of joint pain. Dr Maggiulli completed a residency at The Genesee Hospital that gives special attention to head and neck pain. All phases of care are offered to help decrease the painful jaw joint.

Natural Tooth Colored Fillings
Restore the natural appearance of a decayed or previously metal filled tooth

Oral Health Care Prevention
Part of our philosophy is to maintain the oral health of our patients. We accomplish this by scheduling regular dental visits. Our patients will receive routine dental exams, professional teeth cleanings and preventive fluoride treatments to guard against dental problems. Our hygienist, with her nursing background, may on occasions counsel patients on diet, nutrition, and even smoking cessation.

Nitrous Oxide
AKA "Laughing Gas". This is something one breaths in to relieve stress or anxiety of a dental visit. You are awake for the dental treatment and still receive traditional numbing agents but are less stressed allowing us to provide you with the quality care.

Non-Surgical Alternatives
Patients may not visit the dentist because they fear aggressive surgery and painful recovery. Due to the many advances in the dental health profession, surgery is no longer the only option. We make available many alternatives to surgical care. Treatments for gums disease for example may now be offered in the form of locally delivered antibiotics to the infected areas with associated deep cleaning and with frequent dental check ups. Jaw joint pain as another example may not need surgery if a complete bite analysis is done or if anti-inflammatory medicine is used or a special appliance is devised. Each example and case will be reviewed and conservative approaches always offered as alternatives.

Root Canals
Removal of the pulp tissue, including the nerve, inside the root(s) of each tooth.

Teeth Cleaning
Tooth scaling, tooth polishing, and debridement if too much tartar has accumulated

Teeth Whitening
Remove surface stains & discoloration. Does not damage enamel.

Tooth Extraction
The removal of a tooth may be necessary for several reasons. Dr. Maggiulli works carefully to make this process as quick and painless as possible.

Aldino Maggiulli, DMD, FAGD
5454 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 1505
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
© Copyright 2007-2008 Aldino Maggiulli, DMD, FAGD Phone: 301.652.5881

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